The cost of living crisis is affecting us all, but for some renters, they also have to contend with landlords cashing in on the housing crisis and jacking up rents to make more profit.
When ACORN Bristol member, Thai, got hit with an unaffordable 66.6% rent increase, we decided enough was enough!
About 25 ACORN Bristol members got together to pay her letting agent a visit, and marched on the offices of Just Lets, demanding negotiation on a fairer rent increase for Thai. Just Lets refused to play ball, so members decided to give them a ring...or several! Faced with the pressure of a concerted ACORN campaign, Just Lets decided to give Thai the negotiation she needed.
She said: "We have won our case against Just Lets! We have secured three more months in the property for £50 extra month which prevents my homelessness and allows me enough time to secure a new property (this was one of my chosen outcomes). As opposed to an extra £300 a month which was completely unaffordable for me."
"I could not have come to this outcome without ACORN's support! It has been an incredible experience to be defended in such a determined and passionate way and has brought me closer to my community which is even more important in the current global climate."
Listen to Thai talk about the case and her involvement with ACORN in this radio appearance: