ACORN are demanding that Brighton and Hove Council implement mandatory licensing for landlords to ban bad landlords. Despite the council agreeing to implement licensing schemes for landlords in 2017 this still has not been done! ACORN have on several occasions contacted councillors with evidence of serious examples of unsafe conditions, yet the Chair of the Housing Committee, Cllr David Gibson is still refusing to give us a date to when landlord licensing will be implemented.
We say enough is enough!
Brighton and Hove Councillors are failing in their duty to protect renters and Cllr David Gibson is failing in his role as the Housing lead of the administration.
ACORN are organising an outreach day in Cllr Gibson's ward (Hanover and Elm Grove) to get his constituents to back our campaign and demand their councillors fulfil his duties to protect renters in Brighton.
All members welcome! And full training/support will be provided.
Meet at The Level at 11 am. There will be a social event after the outreach day is finished at 3 pm.
If you are not an ACORN member you can join here.
Landlord Licensing Hanover Campaign Day!
August 14, 2021 at 11:00am - 3pmWHERE
The Level (by the skatepark)The Level Union Road (meet by the Skatepark)
Brighton BN1 4ZN
United Kingdom
Google map and directions