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Stand with Sabrina!

Sabrina is an Onward tenant and bus driver in Manchester. She's had damp, mould and leaks in her room so bad she's had to take time off work, and onward have ignored her for six months. She's going for an apology and compensation, so we're backing her!

Will you sign?

Dear Onward Homes,I write on behalf of Sabrina Richards, who as a tenant is represented by ACORN. As a current tenant of your property, Flat 23 Eden Court, they have drawn to our attention issues concerning the condition and maintenance of their home. As a landlord you have an obligation to provide shelter which is safe, warm and secure. We believe the current living conditions to be unfit for human habitation and in breach of not only their tenancy agreement but also their statutory rights under the Landlord and Tenant Act (1985).The roof has been leaking for months and there is mould, damp and condensation throughout the flat.As a landlord you are obligated by law to maintain in good condition the interior and exterior of the property, as well as access points and all gas, water and electric installations.We are seeking the following:
  1. Roof to be repaired by 6th March 2024
  2. Compensation of £1500 by 6th March 2024
  3. Mould wash if required by 6th March 2024.
  4. Light fitting put back in by 6th March 2024
I hope that this letter clarifies the situation and that it can be resolved in a timely manner. If you wish to contact me at any time, please feel free to do so but in the first instance you should direct your response to the tenant.
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