To end the housing crisis, we need to address the root causes of soaring rents, the shortage of affordable homes, and failed policies that put lining landlord pockets before people. The following three demands are essential steps towards creating a fairer, more secure housing system for all. Sign our petition to show your support for them:
Rent controls
The private rental market is completely out of control and costs are skyrocketing. Rents have risen at record rates month after month. This is forcing people to cut back on essentials during a cost of living crisis that is already leaving people struggling to keep the lights on and put food on the table - all while landlords continue to line their pockets. Tenants across England are just one rent rise away from being forced out of their home, out of their community, and often onto the streets. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Rent controls are a meaningful step towards building a fairer housing system and would put the brakes on the price spiral we are currently facing.
A mass council house building programme
Since the 1980s, more than 1.5 million council houses have been sold or demolished and not replaced. This has caused a massive growth in homelessness, social housing waiting lists, and condemned millions to living in poor quality, insecure and expensive private rented accommodation. A mass council house building programme would not only provide the affordable homes we need, it would also provide a massive economic boost to the economy right at a time when we need it.
Scrap Right to Buy
Right to Buy has been a disaster: 40% of council houses sold through it are now owned by landlords, and very few have ever been replaced. Thatcher’s policy hasn’t helped working class people own homes, it has just transferred rental income from local authorities to landlords. Housing still costs the state money, it’s just that this public money now subsidises private landlords rather than enables the building and maintenance of affordable homes. It’s time to put an end to Right to Buy.