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ACORN Hackney Launch

ACORN is launching in Hackney! Members across the borough are coming together to start an official ACORN group.

ACORN members build power in our communities, so we can win victories that improve our lives - whether that's decent housing, affordable public transport, safe streets, or anything else we need. Across the country, from Cornwall to Newcastle, Brighton to Lancaster, ACORN members are fighting and winning on the issues that affect us.

At this launch meeting we'll discuss what 'Community Organising' means, get trained up in some practical organising skills like campaign planning, and elect a committee.

The launch meeting is open to all residents of Hackney, but to vote you must be an ACORN member. You can join here.

See you there!

July 23, 2022 at 11:00am - 4pm
Morland Community Hall
Gayhurst Road
Morland Estate
London E8 3EY
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Ben Leonard · · 07719354514

Will you come?