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Falmouth & Penryn Big Yearly Meeting

Come to our big yearly meeting!

We'll be celebrating the union's achievements so far this year.

We'll also be voting on a new committee to represent the branch and making plans for the next year! This is a great way to meet members, have a say in the direction of the branch. Regardless if you are a new member or if you are someone who has been a member for a while - see you there: Saturday 26th October 2024 at 12pm at Fairwinds Community Hub
Contact Dan Newcombe if you have any questions about running for committee or the meeting.
October 26, 2024 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Fairwinds Community Hub
33 Church St
Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 3DX
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Dan Newcombe · · 07933076645

Will you come?