- Since last year in our city we've forced the biggest letting agents to commit to stop the practice of rental bidding, won over £18 million in repairs in council blocks, and £3 million per year in benefits for the lowest income families... This is all down to our members picking winnable campaigns and using well-planned strategies to get results
- So what's next?
- Help us decide. Come to our campaign research session where we'll put our heads together to work out what opportunities we have to win material improvements in the lives of our members. We'll research options and split into groups to put together proposals for the branch to vote on.
- You don't need to be experienced or have any specific skills - we'll work together!
- Bring a laptop or phone to do some google searching if you can, but don't worry if you can't.
- 6-8pm Wednesday 10th of July at Tony Benn House. See you there!