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Brighton People's Platform

ACORN Brighton win a commitment to their People's Platform from Brighton and Hove City Council

ACORN members around the country have been engaging in the political process over the last month with branches running hustings in numerous cities across the country. The bigger we get, the more we can hold local and national level politicians to account and win our demands. 


In Brighton, the branch recently won a commitment from the Labour council to agree to ACORN Brighton’s ‘People’s Platform’, ten pledges focused on the council’s commitments to Brightonians. 

The pledges are:

Institute a zero tolerance policy for rogue landlords

Ban second homes

Fight predatory developers

Publish an ethical landlords charter

Keep our public toilets open

Hold the police accountable for failing victims of illegal eviction

Fight union busting and recognise ACORN

Work with ACORN, holding regular meetings with our reps to track progress on these demands


The council agreeing to this platform shows just what we can achieve with the power of our union and ACORN Brighton will be making sure they follow through on their promises.

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