Join us for our next Members Meeting on Tuesday 30th May from 7pm to 8.30pm at our usual venue, Pelican Plus Hall (Pelican Estate, London SE15 5NF).
After launching our first member defence campaign, we will be planning our next steps to make sure our member is rehoused in a safe and suitable home!
In the run-up to our annual general meeting (AGM) and the one year anniversary of our group, we will also be discussing outreach to continue to grow the group. We are looking very close to the 100 members required to become a branch!
An ACORN ‘branch’ is a formal unit of the organisation, and can participate in national decision-making and campaigns through their elected representatives on the Regional Strategy Group. Branches also have quarterly branch budgets managed by a Treasurer, which we hope to elect to our committee in our AGM in July.
We also have news that the new London Member Defence Organiser, Leo, is planning to spend a few months supporting our group. At the meeting we will talk about their role and how it ties in with our plans in the coming months.
Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!